The symptoms to understand skin cancer

A small problem of the skin that escapes your attention, is it a premonition of a cancer? This 'minor' problem may not be 'minor'. Know the early signs of skin cancer and keep an eye on them.

If any of the following symptoms appear on your skin, consult a doctor and get it checked for cancer.

Many people have dry skin. But if the skin has large patches of dry skin and it appears frequently or permanently, then it is really a cause for concern. If such a problem occurs, check it quickly. This is a symptom of skin cancer.

Pay attention if your skin bleeds abnormally. Bleeding from minor injuries is often a symptom of skin cancer. If you have this problem for a few weeks, consult a doctor without delay.

You can predict skin cancer by seeing the color change in any part of the skin. Do not ignore the rapid color change in that part of the skin. Look into this matter quickly and seek medical advice.

If you see spots under your fingernails, keep them under observation. Don't delay if you notice brown or black lines or dots on any of your nails. It can become dangerous.

If there is a different color spot on any part of the skin, keep it under observation. If a part of the skin takes the form of warts or moles and changes very quickly, consult a doctor without delay. It can be an early stage of skin cancer.

If there are wounds and pain in any part of the skin and it does not heal in time, it carries the indication of cancer. A skin lesion that does not heal for a long time can also be a sign of cancer.

If the skin becomes excessively rough and dry, it can be diagnosed as a sign of cancer. If so, consult a doctor without using too many cosmetics. Even if it is not cancer, a solution to the problem will be possible.

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